Rafael Kähm Timo Webler

Reading time: 3 minutes

EXT:solr 10 and addon releases

We released the EXT:Solr version 10 and their add-ons just now and we are happy to tell You about new line in EXT:solr version matrix.

The focus of EXT:solr 10.0.0 was, to support TYPO3 9 LTS’s site handling, drop TYPO3 8 compatibility and support new Apache Solr version 8.2.

New in EXT:solr 10.0.0 release

TYPO3 9 LTS site handling support

The major new feature of EXT:solr 10 is the support of the TYPO3's site handling configuration feature. The configuration for the Apache Solr connections is stored now in TYPO3 site configuration.

To get a typical solr site running only a few settings are needed, which can be set via Sites Backend-Module GUI.

EXT:solr 10 Sitehandling global setting
Setting up the connection to Apache Solr server and the path to cores.
EXT:solr 10 Sitehandling per language setting
Setting up the core destination for the desired language.

Advanced site handling configuration

For advanced settings the manual editing of sites "config.yaml" file is required, but you have then the full freedom for setting up the fallbacks for connections to Apache Solr server. So is it possible to define different Apache Solr server connection properties, from credentials to hosts, ports and paths for each possible language(content dimension) scenario in your TYPO3 instance.

Finally, after integration for this novelty of TYPO3 it is no longer necessary to "Initialize Solr Connections". Just flushing the caches is enough to apply new Apache Solr connection properties.

Legacy support

If you need the old fashioned setup (e.g. because you still use the TypoScript +  domain record approach), you can configure the setting "allowLegacySiteMode"in the extension configuration. Since this mode will be dropped in EXT:solr 11, we strongly recommend to migrating your site to use the TYPO3 site handling.

Apache Solr 8.2 support

For EXT:solr 10 the Apache Solr 8.2 with applied EXT:solrs config sets are  required. The provided Apache solr config set adds the new fields:

  • "image"(Used for  preview image rendering in suggestion stack.)
  • "price"(Can be used for external indexing sources.)

Docker deployment requires the changes in your infrastructure configuration!

The new image version 10 for Ext:solr is provided as well. This image can be pulled from Docker Hub by using "10.0.0" tag.

It is important in this release, that the data volume of EXT:solrs Docker image was changed from "/opt/solr/server/solr/data" to "/var/solr", because the original Apache Solr Docker Image introduced the volume and we decided to use the Apaches standard method and simplify the complexity of docker configuration.

EXT:tika 5.0

If you want to extract the content and metadata of files in TYPO3 you can use EXT:tika.

  • EXT:tika uses Apache Tika, as Tika Server, Tika App or Solr-Cell to extract contents from your documents.
  • EXT:tika 5 contains only the changes for EXT:solr 10.0 compatibility.

EXT:solrfal 7.0

If you want to index your files in TYPO3 from FAL, you can use our addon EXT:solrfal. In combination with EXT:tika, you can index the file contents into your Apache Solr search.

  • With EXT:solrfal 7 we've provided a compatibility release for EXT:solr 10.
  • EXT:solrfal is available for our EB partners on http://www.typo3-solr.com

EXT:solrconsole 3.0

The focus for this release was to make the EXT:solrconsole compatible with  EXT:solr 10.0. There were no new features introduced, but all non-site-handling features marked as deprecated.

Deprecated solrconsole commands:

  • solr:connection:flushall
  • solr:connection:update
Available solrconsole commands
Shows the available commands of the solrconsole for TYPO3

EXT:solrdebugtools 1.1.1

The addon EXT:solrdebugtools can be used for two very important things by search tuning:

  • to visually debug the scores of a document. So you can see, which field has which impact on the document's score
  • get the whole Apache Solr raw query URL used for the current state
    • so you can see the raw Apache solr response by calling the link
    • so you can try new Apache Solr features by modifying the raw query and if it does what you want, implement the missing features in EXT:solr or/and solarium

With version 1.1.1 we only provide the EXT:solr 10 & Apache Solr 8.2.0 compatibility.


EXT:solr and the addons are available now in the following version combination an can be installed in TYPO3 9:

  •  EXT:solr 10.0.0 (public)
  •  EXT:tika 5.0.0 (public)
  •  EXT:solrmlt 3.0.0 (public)
  •  EXT:solrfluidgrouping 2.0.0 (addon)
  •  EXT:solrfal 7.0.0 (addon)
  •  EXT:solrconsole 3.0.0 (addon)
  •  EXT:solrdebugtools 1.1.1 (addon)


The work on our EXT:solr releases and addons is only possible with the financial support of our partners.
Therefore we want to thank all our sponsors that already have signed-up for an EB 2019:

  • 21TORR GmbH
  • 3m5, Media GmbH
  • Absolut Research GmbH
  • AgenturWebfox GmbH
  • Amedick & Sommer Neue Medien GmbH
  • arndtteunissen GmbH
  • Arrabiata Solutions GmbH
  • artif GmbH & Co. KG
  • Atol Conseils & Développements
  • b13 GmbH
  • bgm business websolutions GmbH & Co KG
  • Bitmotion GmbH
  • BIBUS AG Group
  • Bitmotion GmbH
  • Columbus Interactive GmbH
  • Consulting Piezunka und Schamoni - Information Technologies GmbH
  • cosmoblonde GmbH
  • CS2 AG
  • datamints GmbH
  • Diesel Technic AG
  • Die Medialen GmbH
  • Direction des Systèmes d’Information - Département du Morbihan
  • dörler engineering services
  • E-Magineurs
  • Fachhochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung NRW Zentralverwaltung
  • fixpunkt werbeagentur gmbh
  • Flowd GmbH
  • Frequentis Comsoft GmbH
  • GAYA - La Nouvelle Agence
  • Gernot Leitgab
  • Getdesigned GmbH
  • .hausformat GmbH
  • Haute école de travail social et de la santé - EESP
  • Hirsch & Wölfl GmbH
  • Hochschule Furtwangen
  • Hypo Tirol Bank AG
  • Intera Gesellschaft für Software-Entwicklung mbH
  • interactive tools GmbH - Agentur für digitale Medien
  • internezzo ag
  • iresults gmbh
  • ITK Rheinland
  • Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Bayerns (KZVB)
  • kraftwerk Agentur für neue Kommunikation GmbH
  • Landesinstitut für Schule und Medien Berlin-Brandenburg
  • Libéo
  • MaxServ B.V.
  • McLicense GmbH
  • MeinEinkauf AG
  • NEW.EGO GmbH
  • medien.de mde GmbH
  • mehrwert intermediale kommunikation GmbH
  • mellowmessage GmbH
  • mentronic . Digitale Kommunikation
  • pietzpluswild GmbH
  • plan2net GmbH
  • plan.net - agence conseil en stratégies digitales
  • Proud Nerds
  • +Pluswerk AG
  • punkt.de GmbH
  • Redkiwi
  • ressourcenmangel dresden GmbH
  • rrdata
  • RKW Rationalisierungs- und Innovationszentrum der Deutschen Wirtschaft e.V.
  • Site’nGo
  • SIWA Online GmbH
  • Stadt Wien - Wiener Wohnen Kundenservice GmbH
  • Stadtverwaltung Villingen-Schwenningen
  • Stefan Galinski Internetdienstleistungen
  • Studio Mitte Digital Media GmbH
  • Ueberbit Gmbh
  • WACON Internet GmbH
  • webconsulting business services gmbh
  • webschuppen GmbH
  • Webstobe GmbH
  • webit! Gesellschaft für neue Medien mbH
  • wegewerk GmbH
  • werkraum Digitalmanufaktur GmbH

Especially i want to thank our premium partners in 2019:

  • jweiland.net
  • sitegeist media solutions GmbH


In EXT:solr 10 we did some small changes that already prepare TYPO3 10 support, but most things are still open.

Thanks to b13, we get parts already started. To get the integration for TYPO3 10 LTS ready and include additional new features we need your support for 2020.


As you might have noticed, this time it took us some time after the release of TYPO3 9 LTS to support most of the new features.
The reason for that was, that we need to have a certain amount of sponsors to finance the work on Apache Solr for TYPO3.

If you want to support further development, please commit your self, with a partnership for 2020 now.
Please click here or call +49 (0)69 - 2475218 0 to get a partnership!

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